If $\sin q\ne \cos q$ and $x,y,z$ satisfy the equations $x\cos p-y \sin p+z=\cos q+1$, $x\sin p+y\cos p+z=1-\sin q$, $x\cos(p+q)-y\sin(p+q)+z=2$


If $\sin q\ne \cos q$ and $x,y,z$ satisfy the equations
x\cos p-y \sin p+z=\cos q+1\\
x\sin p+y\cos p+z=1-\sin q\\
then find the value of $x^2+y^2+z^2$

I multiplied the first equation by $\cos p$ and the second equation by $\sin p$ and added to get $x+z(\cos p+\sin p)=\cos p\cos q+\cos p+\sin p-\sin p\sin q$

and then I multiplied the first equation by $\sin p$ and the second equation by $\cos p$ and subtracted to get $y+z(\cos p-\sin p)=\cos p-\cos p\sin q-\sin p\cos q-\sin p$
Now i am stuck.I dont know how to solve further.

Best Answer

Rather, multiply the first equation by $\cos q$ and the second by $-\sin q$ and add these scaled equations to obtain $$x\cos(p+q)-y\sin(p+q)+z(\cos q -\sin q)=\cos q -\sin q+1.$$ Since from the last of the original triple we know that $x\cos(p+q)-y\sin(p+q)=2-z,$ we can substitute in the above sum and letting $K=\cos q -\sin q,$ we obtain $$2-z+Kz=K+1,$$ which you may now substitute in any pair of the original system to eliminate $z,$ so that you now have a pair in $x$ and $y$ alone. I believe you can find the way from there.