If scalar and vector both are non zero then resulting vector is again non zero by scalar multiplication

linear algebravector-spaces

It seems easy but I am stuck a bit. Let V be a vector space over field F. Take x be non zero vector and a,b be different scalars then I want to show that ax and bx are different.

My try: let ax=bx . Multiplying both sides by inverse of a(say a'), we will get
(1)x= x = (a'b)x. Now from here I can take things ahead if I show given any nonzero scalar c and non zero vector x we have cx again non zero vector. It seems obvious but I am just stuck to prove this. Thanks.

Best Answer

Let $x\in V$ with $x\ne 0$, and let $a,b\in F$ with $a\ne b$.

Suppose $ax=bx$. \begin{align*} \text{Then}\;\;&ax=bx\\[4pt] \implies\;&ax-bx=0\\[4pt] \implies\;&(a-b)x=0\\[4pt] \implies\;&cx=0,\;\text{where}\;c=a-b\\[4pt] \implies\;&c^{-1}cx=c^{-1}0\qquad\text{[$\,c^{-1}\;$exists since$\;a-b\ne 0\,$]} \\[4pt] \implies\;&x=0\\[4pt] \end{align*} contradiction.

Therefore $ax\ne bx$.