If $S$ is a compact surface and $R$ is a straight line, then there is some $p$ in $S$ such that the normal line intersects $R$ perpendicularly


Consider the following problem (Exercise 2.71 in Curves and Surfaces, 2nd Edition, by Montiel and Ros):

Let $S$ be a surface and let $R$ be a straight line of $\mathbb{R}^3$. Prove that if $S$ is compact, then there is a point of $S$ whose normal line intersects $R$ perpendicularly.

My attempt of solution:

Let $R = \{ta + p_0 \in \mathbb{R}^3 \ ; \ t \in \mathbb{R} \}$, with $|a| = 1$, and consider
h(p) = |p-p_0|^2 – \langle p – p_0, a \rangle^2

be the square of the distance between $p \in S$ and $R$. Since $h$ is continous and $S$ is compact, we know that $h$ attains an extremum and hence has a critical point. Let $p$ be the critical point. Then, for every $v \in T_pS$ we know that
(dh)_p(v) = 0 \implies \langle v, p-p_0 \rangle = \langle p – p_0, a \rangle \langle v, a \rangle.

Note that from this it follows that $a \in T_pS$. Hence $R$ is parallel to $T_pS$.

At this point I am stuck. Any hints will be the most appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

I'm not sure how you concluded that $a\in T_pS$. Here's how I did: I noted that $h(p)$ does not depend on the choice of $p_0$, so we can after the fact choose $p_0$ to be the point on the line closest to our minimizing $p$, so that $\langle p-p_0,a\rangle =0$. Then you're done.