If $R$ is commutative and $I$ is a finitely generated ideal with $I^2=I$, then there exists an idempotent $e\in I$ with $I=Re$



Let $R$ be a commutative ring. Let $I$ be a finitely generated ideal. Assume that $I^2=I$. Show that $I$ is a direct summand of $R$.


I know that $I=Re$ for some idempotent $e\in I$ and afterwards we can decompose $R=Re\oplus R(1-e)$. However, I couldn't prove why such an idempotent $e$ must exist in $I$. Any help/hint would be appreciated. Thanks in advance…

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Best Answer

This is a straightforward consequence of Nakayama's Lemma with $M=I$.

Once you have $r-1=i$ and $rI=\{0\}$, you have $r^2-r=ri=0$ so that $r^2=r$.

However, you are more interested in $e=1-r\in I$ which is then also an idempotent in $I$. We are going to be done if $eR=I$.

Fortunately, it is: since $1=e+(1-e)$ we can multiply by any $i\in I$ to get $i=ei+(1-e)i=ei+ri=ei$.

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