If $K_{14}$ is colored with two colors, there will be a monochromatic quadrangle.

coloringcontest-mathgraph theoryramsey-theory

This question is from Problem Solving Strategies by Engel, Chapter 4 question 50.

If $K_{14}$ is colored with two colors, there will be a monochromatic quadrangle.

Here, $K_{14}$ is the complete graph with 14 vertices, a coloring means to assign each edge a color (lets say either red or blue) and I am assuming quadrangle means a cycle of length 4.

I know the technique to prove that $R(3,3) = 6$ (the Ramsey number), and I tried to apply it but with no success. For example, if I have a red path of length 3, then I can force the last edge to be blue. I also started by considering that each vertex has 13 neighbors, so each vertex has either more red or blue edges. So there exists at least 7 vertices, each with at least 7 edges of the same color. But I don't see a way to proceed.

Best Answer

The complete graph $K_{14}$ is much bigger than needed for this result; here are three proper subgraphs with the same property.

I. Every $2$-coloring of the complete bipartite graph $K_{3,7}$ contains a monochromatic $C_4$.

Let $K_{3,7}$ have partite sets $V_1,V_2$ with $|V_1|=3$ and $|V_2|=7$. Each vertex in $V_2$ is joined by edges of one color to two vertices in $V_1$. By the pigeonhole principle, two vertices in $V_2$ are joined by edges of the same color to the same two vertices in $V_1$.

II. Every $2$-coloring of the complete graph $K_6$ contains a monochromatic $C_4$. (This was shown in Misha Lavrov's answer; the following argument is perhaps slightly simpler.)

We may assume that there is a vertex $x$ which is incident with at most two blue edges. In fact, we may assume that $x$ is incident with exactly two blue edges; otherwise $x$ would be incident with four red edges, call them $xa_1$, $xa_2$, $xa_3$, $xa_4$, and then we could consider a vertex $y\notin\{x,a_1,a_2,a_3,a_4\}$ and proceed as in paw88789's answer. (It may be even easier to observe that the subgraph induced by $\{a_1,a_2,a_3,a_4\}$ contains either a red $P_3$ or a blue $C_4$.)

So let $x$ be incident with exactly two blue edges, $xy$ and $xz$. If one of the remaining three vertices is joined by blue to both $y$ and $z$, then we have a blue $C_4$. On the other hand, if each of those three vertices is joined by red to a vertex in $\{y,z\}$, then two of them are joined by red to the same vertex in $\{y,z\}$, and also to $x$, making a red $C_4$.

III. Every $2$-coloring of the complete bipartite graph $K_{5,5}$ contains a monochromatic $C_4$.

The proof is left as an exercise for the reader.

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