If I have a seperable Hilbert space does any countably infinite set of linearly independent vectors span the space

functional-analysislinear algebraquantum mechanics

If I have a seperable Hilbert space does ANY countably infinite set of linearly independent vectors span the space?

Span in the sense that the set of all linear combinations of these vectors is dense in the Hilbert space.

My intuition says yes, but I am concerned there is some subtlety regarding convergence that I am missing.

Best Answer

This is for sure not true. Take any separable Hilbert space with a countable Hilbert basis $\mathcal B = \{b_i \mid i \in I\}$ and $ j \in I$. Then $\mathcal B \setminus \{b_j\}$ can't be a basis while it is a countable set of linearly independent vectors.