If $G$ only has one subgroup of order $p$ and one subgroup of order $q$, then $G$ is a cyclic group


I'm having some trouble proving the following:

Let $G$ be a group with $|G|=pq$ where $p$ and $q$ are two distinct prime numbers. Show that if $G$ only has one subgroup of order $p$ and one subgroup of order $q$, then $G$ is a cyclic group.

To prove so use the following:

If $G$ is a group and if $H_1,H_2 \unlhd G$ such that $H_1 \cap H_2=\{1\}$ and $H_1H_2=G$, then:$$G\simeq H_1 \times H_2$$

If $P\leq G$ and $Q\leq G$ are groups such that $|P|=p$ and $|Q|=q$ then $$G\simeq P\times Q$$

proves that $G$ is cyclic. To prove this we just need to show that:

  1. $P,Q \unlhd G$
  2. $P \cap Q = \{1\}$
  3. $PQ=G$

But I'm not being able to prove any of these. How can this be done?

Best Answer

Since conjugation by an element of $G$ is an automorphism of $G$, we have $\lvert gPg^{-1}\rvert=\lvert P\rvert$ and $\lvert gQg^{-1}\rvert=\lvert Q\rvert$ for all $g\in G$, so that $gPg^{-1}=P$ and $gQg^{-1}=Q$ for all $g\in G$ by uniqueness of orders. Hence $P,Q\unlhd G$.

It is well-known that $P\cap Q\le P$ and $P\cap Q\le Q$, so, by Lagrange's Theorem, the coprimality of $p$ and $q$ implies that $|P\cap Q|=1$; therefore, $P\cap Q=\{1\}$.

Since $p$ and $q$ are coprime, it is clear that $\lvert PQ\rvert=pq=|G|$; thus $PQ=G$ (as $PQ\subseteq G$).

To show $G$ is cyclic, observe that $P\cong\Bbb Z_p$ and $Q\cong\Bbb Z_q$. Then it is routine to show that

$$\begin{align} \Bbb Z_{pq}&\cong \Bbb Z_p\times \Bbb Z_q\\ &\cong P\times Q\\ &\cong G \end{align}$$

by the Chinese remainder theorem.

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