If $f:X\to Y$ is continuous and injective, then $\pi_n(f(X))=f_*(\pi_n(X))$


Suppose that $f:X\to Y$ is an injective continuous function between two topological spaces. Then this will induce a map $f_*:\pi_n(X)\to \pi_n(Y), [\gamma]\mapsto [f\circ \gamma]$. Is it true that $$ f_*(\pi_n(X))=\pi_n(f(X))? $$
If not, then under what condition they are same?

Best Answer

No, you can bend an open line $—$ into a figure eight $∞$ in a bijective and continuous way, so $f(—) = ∞$, but $π_1(—) = 1$, whereas $π_1(∞) ≠ 1$. See the figure at wiki/Immersed Submanifolds:

enter image description here

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