If $f$ and $g$ are smoothly homotopic, then they have some common regular value


I was reading Milnor's differential topology book. in page 24 when talking about homotopy class and mod 2 degree, there is an claim:

Let $f,g:M\to N$ as smooth map between two smooth manifolds (where $M$
is compact and $N$ is connected), we assume $f$ is smoothly homotopic to
$g$, then there exists a regular value for both maps $f$ and $g$.

I can prove the following result,that is given map $f$ if it has a regular value $p$,then exist a map in the homotopy class that can be any regular value.

That is we know given $p$ there exsit a diffeomorphism $F$ which can change $p\in N$ to any $q\in N$ ,and $F$ smooth isotopy to identity maps(which is given by homogeneity lemma).

hence $f\cong f$(f smooth homotopy to itself) we also have $F\cong id$ hence $f\cong F\circ f$ now the RHS $F \circ f$ has regular value $q$

I don't know how to use Sard's theorem here to prove given $f,g$ exist common regular value.

Best Answer

This is true for any two $f,g$. You do not need the fact that they are homotopic.

Let $M' = M + M$ be the disjoint union of two copies of $M$. Then $f, g$ induces a smooth map $\phi : M' \to N$ by taking $f$ on the first summand and $g$ on the second.

The set of regular values of $\phi$ is non-empty (it is dense in $N$). Any regular value of $\phi$ is a common regular value of $f,g$.

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