If $C(c,-)$ maps all morphisms to isomorphisms, what can we say about $c$


Can anyone provide examples, insight, or literature on objects $c$ in a category $C$ where $C(c,-)$ maps all morphisms to isomorphisms?

Another way to say the same thing is that $c$ is left orthogonal to every morphisms in $C$, i.e. for any $v \colon c \to b$ and $f\colon a \to b$ there exists a unique lift $u \colon c \to a$ with $fu = v$.

The only simple examples I can think of are objects which are initial, or merely initial in their connected component. A more complicated example, which prompted the question, is that for any functor $T : A \to B$, a $T$-generic morphism with domain $d$ is precisely an object with this property in the category $d \downarrow T$.

Best Answer

What you are looking for are local objects. I have once searched for reference about them and quickly gave up as I have found nothing usable, only the nLab page. Therefore I will rather provide the insight and examples you have also asked for:

Let $\mathcal{C}$ be a category and $J\subset\operatorname{Ar}\mathcal{C}$ be a class of morphisms, then:

Definition ($J$-local object): An object $c\in\operatorname{Ob}\mathcal{C}$, for which $\operatorname{Hom}_\mathcal{C}(-,c)\colon\mathcal{C}^\mathrm{op}\rightarrow\mathbf{Set}$ maps all morphisms in $J$ to isomorphisms (bijections), is a $J$-local object.

Definition ($J$-local morphism): A morphism $f\in\operatorname{Ar}\mathcal{C}$, for which $\operatorname{Hom}_\mathcal{C}(f,c)$ is an isomorphism (bijection) for all $J$-local objects $c\in\operatorname{Ob}\mathcal{C}$, is a $J$-local morphism.

To give a few results: Immediatly from the definitions, we have:

Corollary: Every morphism in $J$ is a $J$-local morphism.

Corollary: Every isomorphism is a $J$-local morphism.

Since limits preserve isomorphisms, we have:

Lemma: Limits preserve $J$-local objects and colimits preserve $J$-local morphisms.

Since bijections fulfill the two-out-of-three property, we have:

Lemma: $J$-local morphism fulfill the two-out-of-three property.

Corollary: Together with the class of $J$-local morphisms, $\mathcal{C}$ is a category with weak equivalences.

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