If an element in ring of integers is square modulo every prime, then it is a square in ring of integers.

algebraic-number-theorynumber theory

I know that if an integer is square modulo every integer prime, then it is an integer square.

I was investigating if same holds in any algebraic number field 'L = $\mathbb{Q}$ [ a$_{1}$, … , a$_{k}$ ] i.e. if $\alpha$ is in ring of integers 'O' and $\alpha$ is square modulo every prime 'p' in ring of integers, then $\alpha$ is actually a square in ring of integers.

Does this hold at least when k = 1 and extension is quadratic ?

I took a course in algebraic-number-theory but hardly remember any of it. Could someone please help me?

Best Answer

Let me expand Ethan Alwaise's comment into an answer.

Let $L$ be a number field and $\alpha\in \mathcal O_L$ be a square modulo every prime. Suppose by contradiction that $\alpha$ is not a square. Then the polynomial $x^2-\alpha$ is irreducible in $L[x]$. Hence, the field extension $L(\sqrt{\alpha})/L$ has degree 2. This implies that the Galois group of such extension is $C_2$. Hence, by Chebotarev there exist infinitely many primes of $L$ that are inert in $L(\sqrt{\alpha})$. Choose one of these primes $p$ large enough. Then by Dedekind-Kummer the splitting of $p$ in $L(\sqrt{\alpha})$ is governed by the factorization of $x^2-\alpha$ modulo $p$. But this is a product of two linear factors by hypothesis, leading to a contradiction.

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