If $\alpha,\beta,\gamma,\delta$ are the roots of $x^4+px^3+qx^2+rx + s=0$, find in terms of $p,q,r,s$ the value of $\Sigma\frac{\alpha\beta}{\gamma }$


If $\alpha,\beta,\gamma,\delta$ are the roots of $x^4+px^3+qx^2+rx + s=0$, find in terms of $p,q,r,s$ the value of $\Sigma\frac{\alpha\beta}{\gamma }$

My general strategy was transforming the equation to one whose roots are $\frac{\alpha\beta}{\gamma },etc$ but it seems to be impossible to narrow it down and presents a huge calculation.

Next, I tried simplifying the expression $\Sigma \frac{\alpha\beta}{\gamma }$ but, it doesn't turn out favourable as a huge calculation appears which couldn't be simplified more and no desirable form was obtained and this was in vain too. I don't understand how to approach it…

Best Answer


So we have:

This implies:
