If $\alpha \in E$ is not fixed by any automorphism and $E$ is Galois, $E = F(\alpha)$.


The following is a problem from Allan Clark's Abstract Algebra textbook:

Let $E$ be a Galois extension of a field $F$. If $\alpha \in E$ is fixed only by the identity automorphism, show that $E = F(\alpha)$.

The author seems to expect me to prove this with only the definition of a Galois extension:

A finite extension $E$ of $F$ is Galois if $F$ is the fixed field of a finite group of automorphisms of E. This group is called the Galois group.

As well as the following theorem:

The order of a Galois extension is equal to the order of a Galois group.

Here is my approach:

Let $f \in F[x]$ be the minimal polynomial of $\alpha$. If $m$ is the degree of $f$, then by this fact:

$$F/(f(x)) \cong F(\alpha) \subseteq E,$$

we know that $m \leq [E : F]$. As every automorphism of $E$ which fixes $F$ permutes the roots of $f$, my idea was to show that there are at most $m$ possible permutations of those roots which may arise by applying an automorphism. Then, if $m < [E : F]$, we'd have two distinct automorphisms $\varphi_1, \varphi_2$ which both mapped $\alpha$ to the same element. Therefore, $\varphi_1 \varphi_2^{-1}$ would fix $\alpha$ which would be a contradiction. Then $m = [E : F]$ would imply $F(\alpha) = E$.

Unfortunately, I can't think for a possible bound for a number of valid permutations other than the obvious $m!$. I'm not sure if this approach can be fixed or if it's completely useless.

Best Answer

Let $\sigma_1=\text{id},\sigma_2,\dots,\sigma_n$ be all the automorphisms of $E$ which fix $F$. Then we have under the hypotheses of question $[E:F] =n$.

Consider the polynomial $$f(x)=\prod_{i=1}^n(x-\sigma_i(\alpha))\in E[x] $$ Applying any automorphism $\sigma_j$ permutes the factors of $f$ and hence $f(x) $ is fixed by all of them and therefore $f(x) \in F[x] $.

We show that $f(x) $ is irreducible over $F$ as well. Let $g(x) \in F[x] $ be the minimal polynomial of $\alpha$ so that $g(x) $ divides $f(x) $. Then each of the distinct $\sigma_i(\alpha) $ is a root of $g(x) $ (because $g(x) \in F[x] $) and thus $f(x) $ divides $g(x) $. It follows that $f(x) =g(x) $ and $f(x) $ is irreducible. Thus $F(\alpha) $ is of degree $n$ over $F$ and hence $E=F(\alpha) $.