If $\alpha$ be a root of the equation $x^3+3x^2-6x+1=0$,prove that the other roots are $\frac 1{1-\alpha},\frac {\alpha – 1}\alpha$.


If $\alpha$ be a root of the equation $x^3+3x^2-6x+1=0$, then find the other roots.
$\bf{Try}: $
I tried by using relation between roots and coefficients.
Let $\beta, \gamma$ be the other two roots. Then
$\sum \alpha =-3$
$ \sum \alpha\beta=-6$

But unable to find $\beta, \gamma $ in the desired form from these three equations.
Hope somebody will teach me some cleaver ways to tackle this type of problems. Thanks in advance.
$\bf{Note} $ : Edited after Aqua's comment.

Best Answer



I propose two solutions:

  1. A first one using a Galois theory property.

Observe first that function $f$ defined by $f(x)=\dfrac{1}{1-x}$ generates the following 3-elements group of homographies:

$$f(x), \ \ \ \ f^{(2)}(x):=f(f(x))=\dfrac{x-1}{x}=f^{-1}(x), \ \ \ \ f^{(3)}(x):=f(f(f(x)))=x, $$

itself a subgroup of the cross-ratio group (isomorphic to the 6-element symmetric group $S_3$) described in my answer here.

The discriminant of polynomial $p$ is


In such a case (see this document), the Galois group associated to polynomial $p$ is the 3-elements alternate group $A_3$. Therefore, as there is a unique (cyclic) structure for a 3-elements group, these two groups must coincide.

  1. A computational proof:


$$u:=a; \ \ \ \ v:=\dfrac{1}{1-a}; \ \ \ \ w:=\dfrac{a-1}{a} \tag{0}$$

$$u+v+w+3=\dfrac{a^3 + 3a^2 - 6a + 1}{a(a - 1)} \tag{1}$$

which is $0$ because $a$ is a root of polynomial $p$.

$$uv+uw+vw+6=\dfrac{a^3 + 3a^2 - 6a + 1}{a(a - 1)} \tag{2}$$

equal to $0$ for the same reason.

$$uvw+1=0 \tag{3}$$

(1),(2) and (3) being equivalent to Vieta's relationships

$$u+v+w=-3, \ \ uv+vw+wu=-6, \ \ uvw=-1$$

attached to polynomial $p$, and by unicity of this correspondence, we are able to conclude that $u,v,w$ given by (0) are the roots of $p$.