If a random variable has an atom at zero, does it have a density

probabilityprobability distributionsprobability theoryrandom variables

Let $Y$ be a random variable with distribution function
F_Y(x) = \begin{cases}
0 &\quad x<0\\
p &\quad x=0\\
p + (1-p)F_X(x) &\quad x>0

where $X$ is a continuous random variable.

My first question is if $Y$ has a density, despite the mass at 0? Moreover, is there a way to express $Y$ as a linear combination of other random variables, like a mixture? For instance
Y = (1-B)X + B\delta

where $B$ is Bernoulli and $\delta$ is a degenerate r.v. at zero.

Best Answer

As @angryavian and @Oliver Díaz mentioned, indeed the distribution does not have a density due to the atom at zero. Moreover, the representation $$ Y= (1-B)X + B\delta_{\{0\}} = (1-B)X $$ correctly establishes the distribution $F_Y$ provided, assuming $X$ is a positive r.v. (which is not assumed on the question but should). Indeed $$ \begin{aligned} F_Y(y) &= P(Y\leq y)\\ &= P(Y\leq y | B = 0)P(B=0) + P(Y\leq y | B = 1)P(B = 1) \\ &= P(X\leq y)(1-p) + P(0 \leq y)p\\ &= F_X(y)(1-p) + \pmb{1}_{\{y\geq 0\}}p \end{aligned} $$ which is the same c.d.f. as the one in the question.

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