If a point is selected inside a rectangle what’s the probability that the point is closer to center than vertex


If a point is selected inside a rectangle what's the probability that the point is closer to center than vertex?

I thought of working on this problem using the concept of area.

If I draw two concentric rectangles where length and width of inner rectangle are half of the outer one, then the probability should be the ratio of areas of both rectangles.

Therefore $P(E) = \dfrac{l\times B}{2l\times 2b} = 1/4$

But the answer given in my book is $1/2$. What's the problem here?

Best Answer

Perpendicular bisector of segment $P_{1}P_{2}$ divide the area into region in which all points are closer to $P_{1}$ and region in which all points are closer to $P_{2}$. Therefore, the perpendicular bisectors of segments connecting the centre and the vertices create a region inside of which all points are closer to the centre than any vertex. For visual cue, all points inside the red hexagon are closer to the centre than any vertex.

Rectangle with Hexagon

I still like Arthur's solution more though

We divide the rectangle into four quadrants. For example if the point lies on the top right quadrant then proceed as before, draw a perpendicular bisector of the segment connecting rectangle's centre and the vertex. This bisector clearly divides the quadrant into two parts with equal area, making the probability $\frac{1}{2}$ more pronounced. Here all points in red polygon are closer to rectangle's centre while all points in blue polygon are closer to vertex $C$.

Quadrant 1