If $A$ is any $n×n$ skew symmetric matrix, then$〖 a〗_ii=0,0≤i≤n$

linear algebramatrices

If $A$ is any $n×n$ skew symmetric matrix, then $〖 a〗_{ii}=0, 0≤i≤n$.

I just don't understand the problem very well.
what does $〖 a〗_{ii}=0$ refer to?
is the statement true or false?

Best Answer

It’s saying that the entries along the main diagonal are 0. a_ii refers to the i^th row and i^th column which are the diagonal entries. These are zero because in a skew symmetric matrix you have a_ij=-a_ji and so you have a_ii=-a_ii so a_ii must then be zero.