If a curve has unit speed, is the magnitude of its tangent and normal vectors equal to $1$


If a curve has unit speed, is the magnitude of its tangent and normal vectors equal to $1$?
I am having trouble seeing this.

if r is the curve, then the tangent is $r'$. Also, normal vector is $r''/|r''|$

My professor wrote $K$(curvature) = $|r''| = |-torsion*normal| = |torsion|$.
Where did the normal and the negative go?

$torsion = [(r' x r'') *r''']/|r' x r''|^2$

Best Answer

The speed of a curve by definition is $\|\vec{r}'\|$. If you define your "tangent vector" to be $\vec{r}'$ then having unit speed means that this tangent vector has a magnitude equal to $q$.

Your normal vector, because of the way it is defines always has a magnitude equal to $1$. This is because the vector is defined as $\vec{r}''$ divided by its own magnitude. When you divide a vector by it's magnitude the resulting vector has a magnitude equal to $1$.

The norm of a vector times a scalar obeys the following rule $ \| \alpha \vec{v} \| = | \alpha | \| \vec{v} \| $. The torsion that your professor gave is a scalar, so we can apply this rule.

$$\| -torsion * \vec{normal} \| = | -torsion| \| \vec{normal} \| $$ $$ = |-torsion| * 1 $$ $$ = | - torsion | = |torsion| $$

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