If a complex number has infinitely many solutions why is it a line

algebra-precalculuscomplex numberscomplex-analysis

Let $s,t,r$ be non-zero complex numbers and $L$ be the set of solutions $z = x+iy \text{ },\:x,y \in \mathbb{R}$ of the equation $sz+t\bar{z}+r=0$ where $\bar{z} = x-iy$.

Prove the number of elements in $L \cap \{z: |z-1+i|=5\}$ is at most $2$.

What they did in the solution is say $z(|s|^2-|t|^2) = \bar{r}t-r\bar{s}$. They did this by taking conjugate of the original equation and eliminating $\bar{z}.$

Now how is $L \cap \{z: |z-1+i|=5\}$ is at most $2$?

If $|s| \neq |t|$, $z = \dfrac{\bar{r}t-r\bar{s}}{(|s|^2-|t|^2)}$ which is one solution and it can intersect the circle once. If $|s| = |t|$ and $\bar{r}t-r\bar{s}\neq0$ then $L$ is empty. But if $|s| = |t|$ and $\bar{r}t-r\bar{s}=0$, then $z\cdot0=0 \implies$ $z$ has infinitely many solutions. Why is $L$ a line in this case? Isn't it the entire plane? Why does it intersect the circle at most twice?

Here Z Ahmed told its a line but I can't seem to wrap my head around why this is the case.

Best Answer

Brian seems to have given a complete solution, but to address your specific confusion: You're right that the equation $$z(|s|^2-|t|^2) = \bar{r}t - r\bar{s}$$ will have infinitely many solutions if $|s|^2 - |t|^2 = 0$ and $\bar{r}t - r\bar{s}= 0.$ But, in that case, the elimination method step (where we solve for $z$ by eliminating the conjugate) is producing the trivial equation $0 = 0,$ which loses the original solution set. The arbitrary $z$ values you choose won't satisfy the original equation - only this secondary equation.

For example, take $s = t = \frac{1}{2}$ and $r = -1$ so that the original equation becomes $$\frac{z}{2} + \frac{\bar{z}}{2} - 1 = 0,$$ which is equivalent to $\Re(z) = 1$. Clearly that solution set is a line.

If you take the conjugate equation and use it to eliminate $\bar{z}$, then $z$ will be eliminated as well, and you'll get the equation $0z + 0\bar{z} = 0$, which does have infinitely many solutions but isn't equivalent to the original equation. We've lost the original equation's information.

The overall problem is arising because the conjugate equation is a multiple of the original equation in this degenerate case, so it's not useful for elimination. For example, if you start with the system of equations \begin{array}{11}x + y = 0\\2x + 2y = 0,\end{array} then there's a line (not plane) of solutions: $\{(x, -x): x \in \mathbb{R}\}$, but the elimination method will kill both variables and lose this information, because this is a dependent system of equations. You've identified the conditions under which the conjugate trick/elimination method fails.