If $2^n=(… \underbrace{aa…aaa}_{x\text{ times}})_{10}$ what is maximum of $x$


If $2^n=(… \underbrace{aa…aaa}_{x\text{ times}})_{10}$ for positive integer $n$ then we have

$$2^n=(… \underbrace{aa…aaa}_{x\text{ times}})_{10}=(b\underbrace{aa…aaa}_{x\text{ times}})_{10}=10^x b+a(10^{x-1}+…+1)$$
Where $a$ is a digit between $0$ and $9$ and $b$ is a natural number.

Simplifying more gives
$$9 \times2^n=9b \times 10^x + a (10^x-1)$$

Now if $n>3$ and $x>3$ then taking mod 2 gives $v_2(a)>3$ which is impossible. So one $x$ or $n$ is not greater than $3$. But the book says answer is $x=125$. Am I interpret this wrong?

Best Answer

If $n\ge 4$, then $2^n$ must be a multiple of $16$, therefore so are its last four digits. There are no factors of $5$ so the last four digits cannot be $0000$. Now, which other possibilities for four identical last digits will give a multiple of $16$? Try them out and see.

The comments identify $2^{39}=...888$. If you work out the part above you are left with what must be the answer.

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