If $12$ distinct points are placed on a circle and all the chords connecting these points are drawn, at how many points do the chords intersect


If $12$ distinct points are placed on the circumference of a circle and all the chords connecting these points are drawn, at how many points do the chords intersect? Assume that no three chords intersect at the same point.

A) $12\choose2$

B) $12\choose4$

C) $2^{12}$

D) $\frac{12!}2$

I tried drawing a circle and tried to find a pattern but couldn't succeed.
for 12 points I found the answer to be $(1+2+….+9)+(1+2+3+…..+8)+….+(1)$ and the result multiplied by $2$. But I'm getting $296$ which is in none of the options. Can anyone help?

Best Answer

If you select any $4$ distinct points on the circle, you'd have one distinct point of intersection. This'll give you a nice little formula of selecting $4$ points out of $n$.


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