Identity for $1/z$, $\cot(z)$, and $\coth(z)$.


I'm trying to verify a seemingly simple identity that I encountered in a paper. After discarding some irrelevant scale factors it boils down to the following. It comes in three variants,

\alpha(z) =
1/z & \text{(I),} \\
\cot(z) & \text{(II),} \\
\coth(z) & \text{(III),}

and says that

$$\alpha(a-b)\alpha(b-c) + \alpha(b-c)\alpha(c-a) + \alpha(c-a)\alpha(a-b) = C,$$

for $a,b,c \in \mathbb C$, where

C =
0 & \text{(I),} \\
1 & \text{(II),} \\
-1 & \text{(III).}

Case (I) is straightforward to verify, but I am having trouble with cases (II) and (III). I have tried to use various trigonometric identities to make progress, but have not managed to get it all the way. I'm sure it's simple, and I'm just missing some key step. Any advice?

Best Answer

All choices of $\alpha$ are odd. In terms of $x:=a-b,\,y:=b-c$, (II) states$$\cot x\cot y-(\cot x+\cot y)\cot(x+y)=1,$$which is trivial. Similarly with (III).