Ideals and Kernels of Homomorphisms


We know in group theory, a normal subgroup is the same with the kernel of a (group) homomorphism. The analogue of normal subgroups in ring theory are ideals.

We know that, the kernel of any (ring) homomorphism is indeed an ideal, and we can construct an (ring) homomorphism given an ideal.

My question is, given an ideal $I\subseteq R$, can we construct more than one (ring) homomorphism?

I guess we can, but I cannot come up with another (ring) homomorphism besides the canonical projection from $R$ to $R/I$ giving the kernel as $I$. Thanks for help.

Best Answer

The answer is that in general there are many such homomorphisms, but from a certain point of view the canonical projection $\pi:R\to R/I$ is essentially the only homomorphism with kernel $I$, in the following sense:

Canonical decomposition of ring homomorphisms: Let $f:R\to S$ be a ring homomorphism, and consider the canonical projection $\pi:R\twoheadrightarrow R/\ker f$ and the inclusion $i:\text{im }f \hookrightarrow S$. There exists a unique isomorphism $\tilde f:R/\ker f\to \text{im }f$ such that $$f=i\circ\tilde f\circ\pi $$ i.e. the following diagram commute:

$\require{AMScd}$ \begin{CD} R @>{f}>> S\\ @V{\pi}VV @AA{i}A\\ R/\ker f @>{\tilde f}>> \text{im }f \end{CD}

(You may have called an equivalent result first isomorphism theorem, even if this formulation is slightly more general and insightful, in my opinion).

Now, if $f:R\to S$ is any ring homomorphism with $\ker f=I$, then $f$ is equal to the canonical projection $\pi:R\to R/I$ followed by an isomorphism and an inclusion. Hence any different ring isomorphism $\tilde f:R/I\to T$ where $T$ is a subring of any ring $S$ gives rise to a different ring homomorphism $f:R\to S$ with kernel $I$ (by composition with $\pi$ on the right and $i:T\hookrightarrow S$ on the left). For example, if you consider the ideal $(0)$, all injective ring homomorphisms $f:R\to S$ have kernel $(0)$: therefore in general there are lots of such homomorphisms, even though they are all the same, in the sense specified above.

In fact the question is slightly more sophisticated: all these different homomorphisms are actually the same, up to relabeling elements and extending the codomain, so that often we can just ignore them. However, if we fix the codomain (in such a way that we cannot "cheat" anymore extending it or considering an isomorphic one), the different homomorphisms with kernel $I$ are still equivalent up to isomorphism, but the number of them can be an insightful source of "algebraic information"

For example, there are exactly two homomorphisms $\mathbb{Q}[x]\to \mathbb{R}$ with kernel $(x^2-5)$, defined by sending $x$ respectively to $\sqrt{5}$ and $-\sqrt{5}$, but there is only one homomorphism $\mathbb{Q}[x]\to \mathbb{R}$ with kernel $(x^3-2)$ (defined by sending $x$ to $\sqrt[3]2$). These observations are crucial in field theory.

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