I was told that I couldn’t “pull the limit in”. Tell me exactly how I’m messing up, please!


So, the problem that we were solving was


To figure out whether the series converged or diverged, after simplification, I asked my professor whether finding the limit of the inside of the function to determine whether the inside function was divergent or convergent would be helpful. My logic was this: If it's divergent, infinity to the power of $n$ as $n$ approaches infinity is just infinity, and if it's between $-1$ and $1$ then it approaches a finite value, right? Meaning that, if we were to take the limit of the inside it would ultimately determine what the function did after taken to the power of n.

I was told that we simply couldn't do this but her explanation was a bit lackluster, it was basically "because I said so." Please tell me exactly how I'm wrong so I can better understand what I'm doing. Thank you!

Best Answer

In general we can't pull a limit past a variable that occurs in the limiting operation, because that might change the result. Here's an example which is easier than the problem you're working on:

$$ \lim_{x \to 1}\ (x-1)^{x-1} $$

If we take the limit of the inside function first, we'll get $0$, but in fact, the correct answer is $1$.

Now it is true that you can slide a limit operation past a variable that doesn't occur in the limit:

$$ \lim_{x \to 0} (x^y) = (\lim_{x \to 0} x)^y = 0^y = 0. $$

And it's true that you can slide a limit operation past a continuous function:

$$ \lim_{x \to \infty} \log(1 + \frac{1}{x}) = \log\left(\lim_{x \to \infty} 1 + \frac{1}{x}\right) = \log(1) = 0. $$

So it's easy to get tempted to think you can slide limits past whatever you want, but in fact you'll get the wrong answer.

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