I am not able to understand these lines from deductive reasoning


" Conclusion can only be false if atleast one of the premises is also false. If both premises are true, then conclusion is also true. We will say that argument is valid if the premise cannot be all true without the conclusion being true as well. "

I am not able to understand meaning of these lines in textbook. Can anyone clarify ?
Thank You

Best Answer

  • You know contraposition. The contrapositive of " if A then B " is " if B is false, then A is false", or, more precisely, " if not-B, then not-A".

  • A proposition and its contrapositive sentence are equivalent, they mean exactly the same thing.

  • The definition of deductive validity says that a reasoning is valid just in case :

if all the premisses are true, then ( necessarily) the conclusion is true.

  • By contrapositon, it can also be phrased :

if the conclusion is false ( i.e. not true) , then not all the premises are true ( meaning that at least one premise is false).


(1) if I know that a reasoning is valid

(2) and that its conclusion is actually false

(2) then , I can claim with certainty that at least one of its premises is false ( one or more, possibly all).