How would you prove if $ab|(a+b)(a+b+1)$, then $(a,b) \leq \sqrt{a+b}$ for positive integers $a$ and $b$

elementary-number-theorygcd-and-lcminequalitynumber theory

How would you prove if $ab|(a+b)(a+b+1)$, then $(a,b) \leq \sqrt{a+b}$ for positive integers $a$ and $b$?

My thoughts: I tried squaring both sides of $(a,b) \leq \sqrt{a+b}$ but don't know what to do with $(a,b)^2$ afterwards. I thought maybe using $\sqrt{ab} \leq \sqrt{(a+b)(a+b+1)} = \sqrt{(a+b)^2 + (a+b)}$ would help but I don't see how I could use it.

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

Assume that $a$ and $b$ are positive integers satisfying $ab|(a+b)(a+b+1)$. Set $gcd(a,b)=x$, and set $a_x = a/x$, and $b_x=b/x$. Note that $xa_x = a$ and $xb_x=b$. Note also that $(a_x,b_x)=1.$ Since $$ab|(a+b)(a+b+1)$$ one has $$x^2a_xb_x|(xa_x + xb_x)(xa_x + xb_x +1)$$ which implies that $$xa_xb_x|(a_x + b_x)(xa_x + xb_x +1).$$ Now note that $gcd(x,xa_x + xb_x +1)=1$ so the previous relation forces $x|a_x+b_x$. We have then $$x \leq a_x + b_x = \frac{a}{x} + \frac{b}{x}.$$ One has then from clearing $x$ in the denominator $$x^2 \leq a+b$$ which implies the desired inequality.

Note that from a similar argument you can actually get a lower bound on $x$ and obtain that $$x \geq \sqrt{\frac{ab}{a+b+1}}.$$ So the actual possible range for the gcd is pretty tiny.

I'm highly curious where this problem came from. It isn't one I've seen before.

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