How we can know the bounds for the factorial $n!$


If we know that there exist a positive integer $n$ in an interval $[a,b]$. Here $a,b$ are real numbers. How we can know the bounds for the factorial $n!$.

Best Answer

There are two natural things to say:

  • It's between $\Gamma(a+1)$ and $\Gamma(b+1)$ where $\Gamma$ is defined here.
  • It's between $a\cdot (a-1)\cdot\ldots\, $ (stop when you reach a factor that is less than $2$) and $b\cdot (b-1)\cdot\ldots\, $ (same).

In fact it seems$^{\color{blue}{\left[\underline{\text{reference needed}}\right]}^{\star}}$ that $\Gamma(x+1)$ is always less than or equal to $x\times (x-1)\times\ldots$, meaning that the tightest couple of bounds would be $$a\cdot(a-1)\cdot\ldots\cdot (a-\lfloor a\rfloor+1)<n!<\Gamma(b+1)$$

$^\star$Edit: Peter Foreman proved the inequality $\Gamma(x+1)\leq \prod_{k=0}^{\lfloor x\rfloor-1}(x-k)$ in the comments below.