How to solve this first order nonlinear differential equation

nonlinear systemordinary differential equations

I'm reading nonlinear control systems book. The author provides this example
\dot{x} = r + x^2, \quad r < 0.

I would like to compute the analytical solution for the proceeding ODE. My attempt is

\frac{dx}{dt} &= r + x^2 \\
\frac{dx}{r+x^2} &= dt \\
\int^{x(t)}_{x_0} \frac{1}{r+x^2} dx &= \int^{t}_{t_0} d\tau \\
\frac{\tan^{-1}\left(\frac{x}{\sqrt{r}}\right)}{\sqrt{r}} \Big|^{x(t)}_{x_0} &= (t-t_0)

Now the problem with the assumption that $r<0$, how I can handle the substitution for the left side? I need to reach the final step where $x(t)$ is solely in the left side.

Best Answer

Let us consider

$$\dot x=x^2-1$$ for convenience.

When $|x|<1$, we solve the separable equation with

$$\frac{dx}{1-x^2}=-dt$$ and

$$\text{artanh }x-\text{artanh }x_0=t_0-t,$$


$$x=\tanh(t_0-t+\text{artanh }x_0).$$

When $|x|>1$, we solve with

$$\text{arcoth }x-\text{arcoth }x_0=t_0-t,$$


$$x=\coth(t_0-t+\text{arcoth }x_0).$$

Notice that this solution has a vertical asymptote at $t=t_0+\text{arcoth }x_0$.

Finally, $x=\pm1$ are two valid solutions.

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