How to solve the equation $y=e^{\cos(x)}\sin(x)$

inverse functionlambert-wspecial functions

I was reading about the Lambert W function, and I want to know if it is possible to extend the ideas to solve the given equation for real values of x. $$y=\sin(x)e^{\cos(x)} $$
I know that the W function is only for equations of this form: $$W(x)e^{W(x)}=x$$
I would like any help or ideas regarding this problem, or about the impossibility of solving it.
Thanks in advance.
[Note: Wolfram|Alpha is unable to solve the equation]


I would like an explicit inverse function to $$x\rightarrow{\sin(x)e^{\cos(x)}}$$ not a numerical solution. The special function $W$ can be used in the explicit form. The original function has the restricted domain of $[-\arccos(a),\arccos(a)]$ for $a=\frac{\sqrt{5}-1}{2}$ and the inverse should have the domain $[-\sqrt{a}e^a,\sqrt{a}e^a]$ for the same $a$

[This question was migrated from MathOverflow]

Best Answer

As @Zoe Allen commented, squaring and letting $z=\cos(x)$, we have to solve for $z$ the equation $$y^2=(1-z^2)\,e^{2z}\qquad \implies\qquad e^{-2z}=\frac {1-z^2} {y^2}$$ which has a solution in terms of the generalized Lambert function (have a look at equation $(4)$).

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