How To Simplify Logic Equation


Consider the logic equation below:

$$(\lnot A \land B \land \lnot C) \lor (A \land \lnot B \land C)$$

It is already in Disjunctive Normal Form. I'm wondering if there is any way to simplify the equation further. Since $A,B,C$ are all the negations of themselves in each of the individual brackets I don't think there are any simpler ways of writing this, but I'm not sure.

If there is a more simplified version, can someone please let me know and how to reach such a simplified form.

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

It's already in its simplest form.

Generally if you write it the "arithmetic way" i.e. $$A'BC'+AB'C$$ you see that you cannot really find something nicer since you cannot factor anything.

While if was written as product of sums $$(A+B+C)(A+B+C')(A+B'+C')(A'+B+C)(A'+B'+C)(A'+B'+C')$$

you might think with reason that expanding it would lead to simplifications.

Note: you can play with the software Logic Friday to evaluate these kind of expressions.

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