How to show that $\sum_{n=1}^\infty \Bbb{P}(|X_n|>n)<\infty$

probabilityprobability theorysolution-verificationstochastic-calculus

Let $X_i:\Omega\rightarrow \Bbb{R}$ be an i.i.d. sequence of random variables. Let $Z$ be another random variable such that $$\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty} \frac{\sum_{k=1}^n X_k(\omega)}{n}=Z(\omega)$$almost everywehre.

I could show that $\Bbb{P}(|X_n|>n~~\text{infinitely often})=0$. Now I need to show that $\sum_{n=1}^\infty \Bbb{P}(|X_n|>n)<\infty$. My idea was the following:

Since $\Bbb{P}(|X_n|>n~~\text{infinitely often})=0$ there exists $n_0\in \Bbb{N}$ such that $|X_{n_0+k}|\leq n_0+k$ for all $k\geq 0$. Hence $\Bbb{P}(|X_{n_0+k}|> n_0+k)=0$ for all $k\geq 0$. Therefore $$\sum_{n=1}^\infty \Bbb{P}(|X_n|>n)=\sum_{n=1}^{n_0-1} \Bbb{P}(|X_n|>n)\leq \sum_{n=1}^{n_0-1}1=n_0-1<\infty$$

In a short discussion I have remarked that this solution is wrong. There is a thinking error because this $n_0$ depends on $\omega$. So I have that $|X_{n_0(\omega)+k}(\omega)|\leq n_0(\omega)+k$ for some $\omega\in \Omega$ but we do not know if $n_0$ is a uniform bound over all $\omega$'s. So that's the problem.

I have posted another solution below which should work!

Best Answer

Here is my answer to the exercise.

Let us assume that $\sum_{n=1}^\infty\Bbb{P}(\Lambda_n)=\infty$ where $\Lambda_n=\{|X_n|>n\}$. Now since all $X_i$'s are independent we also get that $\Lambda_n$'s are independent. Hence we can apply Borel-Cantelli $2$ and get that $\Bbb{P}(\lim\sup_n \Lambda_n)=1$. But this contradicts the assumption that $\Bbb{P}(\Lambda_n~~\text{infinitely often})=0$. Hence $\sum_{n=1}^\infty\Bbb{P}(\Lambda_n)<\infty$.