How to show that an object, specifically $\partial_{\mu}V^{\nu}$, is not a rank [1, 1] tensor


I have been asked, as an exercise, to show that the coordinate derivative of the components of a vector, $\partial_{\mu}V^{\nu}$, are not the components of a [1, 1] tensor.

I have tried to show this as follows;

A tensor is a tensor if and only if it transforms according to the transformations rules. In the case of a [1, 1] tensor, this corresponds to $$\tilde{T^{\rho}}_{\sigma} = \frac{\partial \tilde{x^{\rho}}}{\partial x^{\mu}}\frac{\partial{x^{\nu}}}{\partial \tilde {x^{\sigma}}}T^{\mu}_{\nu}.$$
Therefore, for $T^{\mu}_{\nu} = \partial_{\mu}V^{\nu}$ we have, $$ \begin{align*} \frac{\partial \tilde {x^{\rho}}}{\partial x^{\mu}}\frac{\partial{x^{\nu}}}{\partial \tilde x^{\sigma}}\partial_{\mu}V^{\nu} &= \frac{\partial \tilde {x^{\rho}}}{\partial x^{\mu}}\frac{\partial}{\partial \tilde x^{\mu}}\frac{\partial x^{\nu}}{\partial\tilde{x^{\sigma}}}V^{\nu} \\ &= \frac{\partial{\tilde x^{\rho}}}{\partial x^{\mu}}\frac{\partial}{\partial x^{\mu}}\tilde{V^{\sigma}} \\ &\ne \tilde{\partial_{\rho}}\tilde{V^\sigma} \end{align*}$$

Is this the correct way to show the result, or is there an alternative, better way to do so?

Best Answer

You are confusing upper and lower indices. They need to match on both sides . A better match would be $T^\nu_\mu=\frac{\partial V^\nu}{\partial x^\mu}$.

You are also doing something strange with the partial derivative. Anyway, this is how I would do it

Let $V^\nu(x^k)$ be the components of a class $C^1$ contravariant vector field. Then the transformation law for this (1,0) tensor is:

$$ \bar{V^\rho}(\bar{x}^r)=\frac{\partial \bar{x}^\rho}{\partial x^\nu}V^\nu(x^q) $$

Lets study the partial derivatives $\partial\bar{V}^\rho/\partial \bar{x}^\sigma$ using the chain rule and the fact that $x^l=x^l(\bar{x}^\sigma)$

$$ \frac{\partial \bar{V^\rho}}{\partial \bar{x}^\sigma}=\frac{\partial^2\bar{x}^\rho}{\partial x^l\partial x^\nu}\frac{\partial{x^l}}{{\partial \bar{x}^\sigma}}V^\nu+\frac{\partial \bar{x}^\rho}{\partial x^\nu}\frac{\partial x^l}{\partial \bar{x}^\sigma}\frac{\partial V^\nu}{\partial x^l} $$

By now it should be quite evident that the partial derivatives ($\partial V^\nu/\partial x^l$) are not the components of a tensor since the presence of the first term on the right side is not part of the transformation rule for a rank (1,1)-tensor. The second term looks nice though!

If we could just find a way to eliminate the first term things would be awesome. This might give us some clue as how to construct a new type of derivative that is indeed tensorial.

Edit: Maybe we should also make the observation that the offending first term on the right side is due to the fact that the coordinate transformation $\bar{x}^j=\bar{x}^j(x^h)$ is not assumed to be linear. If we restrict ourselves to linear transformations the term is actually zero and the partial derivatives $\partial V^\nu/\partial x^l$ represent the components of a type (1,1) $affine$ tensor.