How to see this special case of tensor definition as a definition of vectors(quantities with both magnitude and direction)in $\mathbb R^3$?[Edited]


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What is the physical meaning of tensor? How can I see this special case of tensor definition as a definition of vectors(quantities with both magnitude and direction)in $\mathbb R^3$? Please help me. I could see $L_0(V)$ as a set of scalars. So, $k-\text{tensors on } V$ is a generalization of scalars. When $k=0$ tensors are scalars. How can I see vectors like this?

Best Answer

0-tensors are constant functions, which we identify with scalars.

1-tensors are linear functions, which we identify with vectors. This identification amounts to selecting an inner product: we identify the vector $x$ with the function $y \mapsto \langle x,y \rangle$.

2-tensors are bilinear functions, which we identify with matrices. This identification also amounts to selecting an inner product: we identify the matrix $A$ with the function $(x,y) \mapsto \langle x,Ay \rangle$.

Things become a bit foreign when we go to $k$-tensors with $k>2$. One way to think about it is that a $k$-tensor takes a vector and gives back a $(k-1)$-tensor. Thus for instance a $3$-tensor takes a vector and gives back a matrix.