How to get the value of the structure sheaf on an arbitrary open subset of an affine scheme


In Vakil's notes on the foundations of algebraic geometry, he defines the structure sheaf $
for distinguished open sets $D(f)$ by $\mathscr{O}_{\text{Spec}A}(D(f)) := A_f$. He then defines the restriction map for $D(g) \subseteq D(f)$ by

$$\rho^{D(f)}_{D(g)} : \mathscr{O}_{\text{Spec}A}(D(f)) \rightarrow \mathscr{O}_{\text{Spec}A}(D(g))$$

"in the obvious way". I assume this means

$$\frac{a}{f^{n}} \mapsto \frac{b^{m}a}{g^{mn}}?$$

He then goes on and proves that this is indeed a sheaf of rings on the distinguished open sets. Now, he claims that this then indeed gives a sheaf of rings on the topological space Spec $A$. I know that every open set $U$ of Spec $A$ may be written as the union of distinguished open sets such that

$$U = \bigcup_{i \in I} D(f_{i}).$$

But how do I get the sheaf $\mathscr{O}_{\text{Spec}A}(U)$? I.e. is this the localization at the sum $\sum_{i \in I} f_i$ or the product of the $A_{f_{i}}$?

Best Answer

It is not important to know what the sections are on a generic open set, as you can always work with basic open sets, but you can find a description of the sections of $\text{Spec} A$ in Hartshorne's Algebraic geometry, page 70