How to formally prove the following function is bounded

calculusdiscrete mathematicsproof-writing

I have recently started learning Calculus, and upon stumbling on the following question, I got a little stuck.

The question:
Determine if the function $f:\mathbb R\to\mathbb R$ given by $f(x) = {x\sin(x)\over |x| + 1}$ is bounded and provide a justification (a proof).

Since I know that the denominator is never going to be a negative number, I have tried to get rid of the absolute signs $|x| + 1 ≥ 1$ and solve for x like so:


I thought that by doing so, I will be able to get some information about the numerator, however, I just confused myself.

Would anybody be kind enough to set me on the right direction?

Best Answer

Everything seems to check out. What you essentially have done is this:

since we want to show $\frac{x*\sin(x)}{|x|+1}$ is bounded we take its absolute value so we have

|$\frac{x*\sin(x)}{|x|+1}$| = $\frac{|x*\sin(x)|}{||x|+1|}$ = $\frac{|x|*\|sin(x)|}{||x|+1|}$ By what you said about |$\sin(x)$| $\le$ 1 we get that

$\frac{|x|*\|sin(x)|}{||x|+1|}$ $\le$ $\frac{|x|}{||x|+1|}$

Since |x| $\le$ |x| + 1, we get that $\frac{1}{|x|}$ $\ge$ $\frac{1}{|x|+1}$ which shows us that

$\frac{|x|}{||x|+1|}$ $\le$ $\frac{|x|}{|x|}$ = 1

So yes, you have proven that f(x) := $\frac{x*\sin(x)}{|x|+1}$ is bounded