How to find the radii for the fixed circle and rolling circle to represent an epicycle as an epitrochoid


Diagram showing planet and moon orbits for the epicycle and the corresponding fixed and rolling circle combination for the epitrochoid representation

Suppose we have a moon $M$ following a circular orbit (with radius $R_M$) around a planet $P$, which is in turn following a circular orbit (with radius $R_P$) around a star $S$. The angular velocity of $M$ around $P$ is given to be $\omega_M$ and the angular velocity of $P$ around $S$ is given to be $\omega_P$. Then $M$ will trace out an epicycle $$p(t)=\left\langle R_P\cos\left(\omega_P\,t\right)+R_M\cos\left(\omega_M\,t\right),\,R_P\sin\left(\omega_P\,t\right)+R_M\sin\left(\omega_M\,t\right)\right\rangle$$

I am trying to represent this epicycle as an epitrochoid (EDIT: by which I mean that $M$ does not need to lie on the circumference of the rolling circle) (assuming both angular velocities to be positive), where the fixed circle centered at $S$ has radius $R$ and the rolling circle centered at $P$ has radius $r$. So I must relate $R$ and $r$ to the given values. Clearly, $R=R_P-r$.

Suppose a time $t$ as passed, and $P$ has revolved through an angle $\theta$ around $S$ and $M$ has revolved through an angle $\phi$ around $P$. By the construction of an epitrochoid (rolling without slipping), we have that $R\theta=r\phi$. Now, since $\displaystyle t=\frac{\theta}{\omega_P}=\frac{\phi}{\omega_M}$, we have that $R\omega_P=r\omega_M$. So $$\displaystyle R=\frac{R_P\omega_M}{\omega_M+\omega_P},\;r=\frac{R_P\omega_P}{\omega_M+\omega_P}$$
A similar working out can be done if one of the angular velocities is negative and the other is positive, though the curve would be a hypotrochoid.

Except, this doesn't work. When I tested this out in GeoGebra I found that the arc lengths "rolled" did not equal each other, that is, there was slippage while rolling. The actual epitrochoid corresponding to $R$, $r$, and $R_M$ did not match the epicycle. What have I done wrong?

Given <span class=$\omega_P=\frac{\pi}{3}$ and $\omega_M=\frac{7\pi}{6}$, GeoGebra calculated $R=\frac{28}{9}$ and $r=\frac{8}{9}$. The measured arc lengths are unequal.">

UPDATE: I have been messing around in GeoGebra further and found that the actual value for $R$ in the above example (where $R_P=4$, $R_M=1$, $\omega_P=\frac{\pi}{3}$, and $\omega_M=\frac{7\pi}{6}$) is about 2.8572. I have tried further decimal approximations but could not find a fraction with the value.

Approximately correct

Furthermore when $R_P=4$, $R_M=1$, $\omega_P=1$, and $\omega_M=4$, then $R$ is exactly 3.

Exactly correct

Unfortunately I cannot find a formula which produces both of these answers using the given values.

Best Answer

The issue is that $\displaystyle t\not=\frac{\phi}{\omega_M}$. Because the rolling circle is also revolving around the center of the fixed circle, we have to account for both effects, so $\displaystyle t=\frac{\phi}{\omega_M-\omega_P}$. This means that $\displaystyle R\omega_P=r\left(\omega_M-\omega_P\right)$, so $$\displaystyle R=\frac{R_P\left(\omega_M-\omega_P\right)}{\omega_M},\,r=\frac{R_P\omega_P}{\omega_M}$$

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