How to find the function that is perfectly between y = x^2 and y = x


At first, I thought it was as simple as taking both functions adding them together then dividing by two, but this is not the case for what I am looking for.
Here is a plot of the following:

y = x
y = x^2
y = 1/2*(x^2+x)
points exactly in between y = x and y = x^2

As you can see the red line representing y = 1/2*(x^2+x) does not land on the green points which are exactly in between the two functions y = x and y = x^2. What I am trying to learn how to do is figure out how to find the function which represents the exact middle between the two equations y = x and y = x^2.

I have already tried using an excel sheet to fit a line to all the green points I have calculated and still can't come up with a good line that fits.

I have looked into calculating the midpoint between two given points and that only helped calculate the points between the two equations, and didn't help towards obtaining a function that perfectly represents the line between y = x and y = x^2.

Thanks for any help or suggestions towards the right domain of math reserved for solving cases like this one.


Best Answer

The green dots in your plot have the coordinates

a = {{0, 0}, {1, 1}, {3, 4}, {6, 9}, {10, 16}, {15, 25}, {21, 36}, {28, 49}, {36, 64}, {45, 81}}

which can be calculated with the formula

f[x_] = (1 + 4 x - Sqrt[1 + 8 x])/2


(*    16    *)
(*    81    *)

How to find this formula: in Mathematica,

FindSequenceFunction[a, x]
(*    (-1 + 1/2 (1 + Sqrt[1 + 8 x]))^2    *)
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