How to determine the equation when I have the given inputs and the given answer for picture frame matting cuts


I'm trying to determine the equation to calculate the measurement of my picture frame matting cut by working backwards.

Although I can manually measure the cut physically – I am in the process of automating the process. I made this example into visual form to show you what I'm referring to:

Frame Width and Height: 16" X 20"

Visual Representation of the Picture Frame with dimensions

Picture Width and Height : 11" X 17". Please note the MAT OVERLAP in the image of 1/4 as well:

Visual Representation of the Picture Frame dimensions with the Image dimensions & Mat Overlap

Based on those three inputs (Frame Size, Picture Size, and Mat Overlap) – it equates to the following answer:

The answers are in RED

The answers in red applies to where to make the appropriate razor blade cut using the following ruler guide:

The ruler only goes up to 6", but it serves as the basis where to move the mat when making the cut.

In conclusion, I respectfully ask for direction of what the equation would be if I can already know the inputs:

Frame Size = 16" X 20"
Picture Size = 11" X 17"
Mat Overlap = 1/4"

And that I know the answer:

Width = 1 5/8"
Height = 2 5/8"

Then I'll be able to make my mathematical cut with those answers by sliding the mat board Width to the 1 5/8" mark on the ruler I attached to this post which will allow me to make my cut. The same with the .

EDIT 5/20/2022

I have an additional issue that pertains to or is practically related, so I felt adding information to this initial question will strengthen it.

The user has three choices:

  1. Single Mat
  2. Double Mat
  3. Triple Mat

The concept of the calculator is to automate the measurement for the user as to where to make their cut when making a mat for a particular picture when framing it. Therefore, for each of the choices – the solution is to determine where to make the cut on the Width and Height of the mat.

The accepted solution/answer provided to my initial question is perfect for choice #1 "Single Mat" (which was my only initial question).

However, I need help determining the equation when I have two mats (Double Mat) as opposed to one. When there are two mats the Mat Overlap is set to 0 because the Bottom Mat takes its place. But, it changes where you make the cut because now you're dealing with two mats taped together based on the 6" ruler like above.

Here's a better visual to reflect what's going on: Double Mat Visual

What I have been able to determine is the answer, but I am having trouble determining the equation for the answer.

The Given

Width of the frame $w_f=16$, Height of the frame $h_f=20$.

Width of the picture $w_p=11$, Height of the picture $h_p=17$.

Mat Overlap $o=0$, Bottom Mat $m_b=\frac14$

The Solution

The solution consists of measurements for two mats because this was a "Double Mat" choice.

  1. TOP MAT: $w=1\frac12$, $h=2\frac12$
  2. BOTTOM MAT: $w=1\frac34$, $h=2\frac34$

All in all, I was able to provide the complete given and solution, but I've reached a stuck point determining the equations for TOP MAT and BOTTOM MAT.

Can someone please provide guidance on how to work backwards to create the equations?

Best Answer

Width of the picture is $w_p=11$, the width of the frame is $w_f=16$, and overlap is $o=\frac14$. Then $$w=\frac12(w_f-w_p+o)=\frac12\left(16-11+\frac14\right)=2\frac58$$ Similar, for height: $$h=\frac12(h_f-h_p+o)=\frac12\left(20-17+\frac14\right)=1\frac58$$

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