How to define the intersection area of an ellipse and a circle if there is 4 intersection points


So I would need to solve how to define the intersection area of a circle and an ellipse if they had 4 intersection points. Radius of circle is 2000 and it's x- and y- coordinates are (5000,5000). Ellipse's x- and y-coordinates are also (5000,5000), semi-major axis = 3500 and minor-axis = 1500. Here is image of the setup.

I would appreciate a ton if someone could help me with practical solution step by step.
I know that first we have to figure out the intersection points and after that integrate the area but I don't know how to do it in practice.

Best Answer

enter image description here

Put the center of ellipse and circle at the origin. The equation of ellipse is:


...and the equation of the circle is $$x^2+y^2=r^2\tag{2}$$

...with $a=3500,b=1500,r=2000$

Solve equautions (1) and (2) for positive values of $x,y$ and you'll get coordinates of point $A$:

$$x_A=175\sqrt{70},\ \ y_A=75 \sqrt{330}$$

Now you have to calculate the area $CAB$ between curves $BA$ and $CA$ and vertical segment $BC$. The equation of curve $AB$ is:

$$y=\frac ba\sqrt{a^2-x^2}$$

...and the equation of curve $AC$ is:


So the area of $P_{ABC}$ is:

$$P_{ABC}=\int_0^{x_A}(\sqrt{r^2-x^2}-\frac ba\sqrt{a^2-x^2})dx$$

$$P_{ABC}=125000 \left(16 \sin ^{-1}\left(\frac{7 \sqrt{\frac{7}{10}}}{8}\right)-21 \sin ^{-1}\left(\frac{\sqrt{\frac{7}{10}}}{2}\right)\right)\approx509768$$

The are of intersection is:

$$P=r^2\pi-4P_{ABC}\approx 1.05273\times10^7$$