How to count the 1’s digits up to 999,999 using combinatorics

combinatoricsdiscrete mathematics

The question is

If you were to write out 1,2,3,4….999,999. How many times would you
have to write the number 1? 1=1, 11=2, 1,111=4…and so on.

I know there are other ways to solve it, but I want to solve it using combinatorics and counting the number of ways to fill {XXX,XXX},{XX,XXX},…,{XX},{X} up with the digit 1.

This formula gives the correct answer but I'm not sure why. It seems unlikely that it would be a coincidence.

$\sum_{k=0}^6 \binom6k * k \space 9^{6-k}$ $ = 600,000$

wolfram alpha

I think this might be the reason this formula works. Begin by choosing k locations in


That's $\binom6k$ such as k=2


Then you multiply by the number of possibilities are each X in order, $9^4$.

So, why is there a k term?

Maybe this is the number of locations in {X,X}. Maybe the number of places to start filling with 1's.

Some work that seemed to be going in the correct direction. The number isn't too far off.

Treating it as a counting problem.

Again, counting the number of ways to fill XXX,XXX and then XX,XXX and X,XXX and etc.


$\sum \binom6k * 9^{(6-k)}$ where k=1,…,6

$\sum \binom5k * 9^{(5-k)}$ where k=1,…5

$\sum \binom4k * 9^{(4-k)}$

$\sum \binom3k * 9^{(3-k)}$

$\sum \binom2k * 9^{(2-k)}$

$\sum \binom1k * 9^{(1-k)}$


wolfram alpha

wolfram alpha

Best Answer

Because it doesn't make an impact, let's try to count the number of times $1$ appears in the numbers from $0$ to $999999$.

We can create all $10^6$ numbers by considering all possible ways to assign a digit ($0$ to $9$) to each of the places in $XXXXXX$.

Since $1$ appears in each place $\frac{1}{10}$ of the time, we have that $1$ appears in the $k^\text{th}$ place exactly $\frac{10^6}{10}=10^5$ times.

Since there are $6$ places, we have that $1$ appears $\boxed{6\cdot 10^5}$ times in total.

P.S. There is also a nice sum identity that will help you in your approach $$\sum_{k=0}^n \binom{n}{k} kb^{n-k}=n(1+b)^{n-1}$$ You can substitute $n=6$ and $b=9$ to get your expression. To prove this, consider the binomial theorem, which states that $$f(a,b)=(a+b)^n=\sum_{k=0}^n \binom{n}{k} a^kb^{n-k}$$ Take the partial derivative wrt to $a$ to get $$\frac{\partial f(a,b)}{\partial a}=n(a+b)^{n-1}=\sum_{k=0}^n \binom{n}{k} k a^{k-1} b^{n-k}$$ Now plug in $a=1$ to get $$n(1+b)^{n-1}=\sum_{k=0}^n \binom{n}{k} k b^{n-k}$$

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