How to convert sentence that contains “no more than 3” into predicate logic sentence


How to convert sentence that contains “no more than 3” into predicate logic sentence?

For example: "No more than three $x$ satisfy $R(x)$"
using predicate logic.

This is what I have for "exactly one $x$ satisfies $R(x)$":
$\exists x(R(x) \land \forall y(R(y) \rightarrow (x = y)))$

Best Answer

Interpreting 'no more than three' as 'at most three' (i.e. it could be three, two, one, or maybe just none at all), you can do:

$$\exists x \exists y \exists z \forall u (R(u) \rightarrow (u = x \lor u = y \lor u = z))$$

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