How to control only the “second oscillations” of a curve


I have the following "elastic out" curve:

$$f_b(t)=1+2^{-10t}\cdot \sin\left(\frac{(t-\frac{b}{4}) \cdot 2π}{b}\right)$$

I only need to use it in the interval $\left(0, 1\right)$ (values for $0$ and $1$ do not matter). It already describes the oscillation after "getting to" $y=1$ quite well, however, I am facing issues trying to design the dampening according to my needs and transforming this curve in general.


Above you can see what $b$ controls – I would say the dampening of the oscillation but also not really. What I want to have control over ideally is only the dampening about $1$ after the function comes back to $y=1$ for the first time, so I want to keep the initial bump past $y=1$ from say $b=0.4$, but I want more overshoot past $y=1$ afterwards.

This is a terrible sketch, but I hope that you see what I mean. The red graph would be what I have now with $b=0.4$ and the blue graph is what I am trying to achieve.
I tried a bunch of edits to the equation, but nothing I did got me close to what I want. The graph should keep oscillating about $y=1$ after some time.


Changing the factor before the $sin$ will obviously allow me to stretch and compress the whole graph, but that is not what I want.


The point of this curve is to describe motion from one place to another. An object is supposed to move from say $A$ to $B$. $A$ is at $y=0$ and $B$ is at $y=1$. $y=1.1$ would mean that the object moved past the destination (past $B$), which is why this is "elastic". My goal is to keep the intial elasticity of the bounce, i.e. the overshoot past $B$, but I also want to have more bounciness when the object oscillates about point $B$ after going beyond it initially.

Best Answer

If I am understanding you correctly, you want an envelope function $g$ such that $g(0) = 0$, $g(x)\approx x$ for $x > 1$, but you want $g(x) < x$ in that range $(0, 1)$ so that $g(f_b(x))$ has lower troughs than you presently have.

If we were to use some sort of bell-shaped curve, say, a Gaussian $h(x) = e^{-x^2}$ then we could form such a function as $g(x) = x(1 - \alpha h(x/\beta)$ for two parameters $\alpha$ and $\beta$ that tell us about the strength and the spreadiness of the envelope. Some more shaping can be done by using $(h(x/\beta)/h(0))^n$ or so instead of just $h(x/\beta)$ in there. So for example with $g(x) = x(1 - 0.8 e^{-6 x^6})$ I can get a graph like

enter image description here

(blue is original, black is after the envelope transformation).

The only weird thing about this sort of approach is the way it messes with the slope near $x=0$.