How to calculate the time an object accelerating down a slope of changing gradient will needs to reach from point A to point B.


I was wondering how I would go about calculating the time a object needs to travel from point $A(0,0)$ to point $B(1,-1)$ while traveling along the line $-x^{1/2}$.

Graph for $-x^{1/2}$

The object is accelerating in a uniform gravitational field of strength $9.81$m/s and experiences no friction or air resistance.

Thanks for any help.

Best Answer

The vertical speed is

$$\frac{dy}{dt}=v \sin\theta$$

where $v = \sqrt{-2gy}$ (derived from $\frac12mv^2=-mgy $) and $\tan\theta = \frac{dy}{dx} = \frac1{2y}$. Plug them into the above expression to get,

$$\frac{dy}{dt}= \sqrt{\frac{-2gy}{4y^2+1}}$$

Thus, the time is obtained from,

$$T = \int_0^{-1} \sqrt{\frac{4y^2+1}{-2gy}}dy=0.584$$

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