How to calculate distance between origin and point on a chord in the unit circle


I have a chord connecting two points $P_1$ and $P_2$ on the unit circle. I would like to calculate the distance $(l_1,\,l_2,\, l_3, \ldots)$ between the origin $(0,0)$ and the point on the chord for "every" point on the chord. I have the arc-length and I set/choose angle theta.

I don't have the $x$ and $y$ coordinates of the singular points on the chord only the coordinates of $P_1$ and $P_2$.

A picture for clarification:

Thank you

Best Answer

I see two ways to consider the issue (A and B) :

A) If the coordinates of points $P_k$ are $(\cos \theta_k, \sin \theta_k)$ for $k=1,2$, consider the barycentric expression :

$$\binom{x}{y}=(1-\lambda) \binom{\cos \theta_1}{\sin \theta_1}+\lambda\binom{\cos \theta_2}{\sin \theta_2} \tag{1}$$

taking all values of $\lambda$ between $0$ and $1$, you will browse all your chord.

Said otherwise, each point of the chord will be characterized by a unique $\lambda$.

Therefore the "generic" distance to the origin will be :


with $(x,y)$ given by (1).

Remark : In order to understand formula (1), two examples,

  • taking $\lambda = \frac12$ you get the midpoint of your chord,

  • taking $\lambda = \frac34$, you are 3 times closer to $P_2$ than to $P_1$ Besides, if you eliminate $\lambda$ between the two expressions $x=..., y=...$, you will get the equation of the straight line, but I don't think that it is what you want.

B) Here is a different way.

Call $I$ the midpoint of your chord.

Let $(r_I,\theta_I)$ be the polar coordinates of $I$ (meaning in particular that distance $OI=r_I$.

If we consider now polar coordinates $(r_M,\theta_M)$ of any point $M$ on the chord, we have the simple relationship:


(proof : definition of $\cos$ in right triangle $OIM$).

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