How the two non null-homotopic equivalence classes generate the null-homotopic loop on the torus


I am new in Alebraic Topology. Given the torus, we say that the fundamental group of the torus is generated by two loops (or more exactly two equivalent classes of loops). One writes $\pi=\mathbb{Z}\times\mathbb{Z}.$

I don't understand, how the null-homotopic loop, which is the constant loop, is generated by the two generators mentioned above. Can somebody provide an explanation? More even so, I don't see how it functions visually, since the two generators are not null-homotopic.
More precisely, given a null-homotopic loop on the surface on a base point $x$, how this loop will be generated by the two generators mentioned above?

Best Answer

Your confusion seems to be about the meaning of the word "generate". By definition, if $G$ is a group and $S\subseteq G$, then the subgroup generated by $S$ is the smallest subgroup that contains $S$. Since a subgroup always contains the identity element, any subset of $G$ (even the empty set!) "generates" the identity element.

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