How span of a set containing matrix row is related to the matrix rank

abstract-algebralinear algebramatricesmatrix-rank

My understanding is that the span of a set is a set of all vectors that can be obtained from the linear combination of all the vectors in the original set as shown in image #1.

Image #1

What I do not understand is how the span (or the dimension of span) of a set consisted of rows of a matrix is related to its rank, as shown in image # 2.

Image #2

I always thought that rank is related to the basis of a set of vectors, not its span.


Best Answer

The rank of a matrix $A \in M(m \times n, \mathbb{R})$ is defined as the dimension of its range, i.e. $\dim(R(A))$. We will show that $\dim(R(A)) = \dim(R(A^T))$.

Using the identity $Ax \cdot y = x \cdot A^T y$, it is not difficult to show that $R(A^T)^{\perp} = N(A)$. By taking the orthogonal complement of both sides we get $R(A^T) = N(A)^{\perp}$. We have $\mathbb{R}^n = N(A) \oplus N(A)^{\perp}$ (this holds for any subspace $U$ of $\mathbb{R}^n$, not just $N(A)$). Therefore $\dim(N(A)^{\perp}) = n - \dim(N(A)) = \dim(R(A))$, where the last equality is by the rank-nullity theorem. Alternatively, you can prove that $A \colon N(A)^{\perp} \to R(A)$ is bijective, and hence $N(A)^{\perp} \simeq R(A)$, so $N(A)^{\perp}$ and $R(A)$ must have the same dimension.