How many zeros does the function $f(z)=z^3+z^2+4z+1$ have in the first quadrant


How many zeros does the function $f(z)=z^3+z^2+4z+1$ have in the first quadrant?

Using Rouche's theorem with the function $h(z)=1,g(z)=z^3+z^2+4z$, I've been able to show that all the roots are in $B_3(0)$.

Is it possible to show that they are not in $B_3(0)\cap\{Re(z),Im(z)\ge0\}$ using Rouche's theorem?

Best Answer

Since $f'(z)>0$ for all real $z$ the function has exactly one real root. Calculating the value of the function at $z=0$ and $z=-1$ one concludes that the real root satisfies the inequality $-1<z_1<0$. Further since: $$ z_1+z_2+z_3=-1 $$ one finds that $\Re(z_2)=\Re(z_3)<0$. Therefore the polynomial has no roots in the first quadrant.

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