How many triangles are there whose sides are prime numbers and have a perimeter equal to $29$

combinatoricsgeometryprime numberstriangles

Perimeter of a triangle is equal to $29$ and the values of all three sides are prime number. How many many incongruent triangles we have with this properties?


First I realized that we can't have a side equal to $2$ because then perimeter will be even number. And we know that if $a,b,c$ are the values of sides we have:

Hence $29-c>c$ and $c<14.5$, similarly we have $a<14.5$ and $b<14.5$, so we have $a,b,c\in\{3,5,7,11,13\}$ and $a+b+c=29$

From here is it possible to proceed without Try and Error ?

Best Answer

Modulo $6$ the residues of the primes are $3,-1,1,-1,1$ respectively – and our target has residue $-1$ modulo $6$. If we use two $3$s the last side must be $23$, which is impossible. If we use one $3$ the other two sides must have residue $1$ each and sum to $26$ – the only possibility is $13$ and $13$. If no $3$s, there must be two residue $-1$ numbers and one residue $1$ number:

  • If the residue $1$ number is $7$, we can only have $11$ and $11$
  • If that number is $13$, we can only have $5$ and $11$

Hence there are $3$ incongruent admissible triangles: $\{3,13,13\},\{7,11,11\},\{5,11,13\}$.