Real Analysis – How Many Times Can a Polynomial Kiss a Strictly Concave Function?


Suppose we are given strictly concave function $g$ on some closed interval $[a,b]$.
We are interesting in answering how many times a degree $n$ polynomial can touch the function $g$ without crossing it.

Formally, let $P_n(g)$ denote set of all polynomial of degree at most $n$ such that $p_n \in P_n$ satisfies $p_n(t) \le g(t)$ for all $t \in [a,b]$ and let
S(p_n) = \{ x \in [a,b]: g(x)=p_n(x) \}

We are interested in
K (n,g) = \sup_{p_n \in P_n(g)} | S(p_n)|

where $|\cdot|$ denotes cardinality.

To make the problem non-trivial. We assume that $g$ is analytic but not a polynomial.

Question: Can we find upper bounds on $K (n,g) $ as function of $n$?

Here is my thinking and rough calculation: We can first kiss at the end points. So this is two.

So we have $n-2$ more degrees of freedom.

Next, place maxima of the polynomial to touch $g$. We can have now at most $\frac{n-2}{2}$ maxima.

So, it looks like to function can kiss at most $\frac{n-2}{2}+2$ times.

Best Answer

There is no upper bound. Consider $p(t)=-t^2$ and $g(t) = 1 - \cos t - t^2$. Note that $g''(t) = - \cos t - 2 < 0$ and so $g$ is strictly concave. Yet $p(t) \le g(t)$ everywhere and $p(t) = g(t)$ at infinitely many points, namely every multiple of $2\pi$. (One can scale these functions horizontally so that there are arbitrarily many periods inside any prescribed compact interval.)

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