How many squarings are needed to exceed 2


Given the base 2 representation of $x\in\mathbb Q$ ($1<x<2$ and has a finite number of digits in base 2), find a number $k\in\mathbb N$ such that $2<x^{2^k}<4$.

The final answer/algorithm is not allowed to use powers, roots and logarithms.

I managed to find a range of possible values for $k$.

Looking at the digits after he decimal point, if the $n$th digit is the first non-zero digit, then squaring this number will necessarily turn at least one of the two preceding digits into a 1 but none of the digits before it. I figured this out by looking at the edge cases: if all the digits after the $n$th digit are zero then the $n-1$ digit becomes 1 when the number is squared, and if all these digits are 1 it is equivalent to a number where only the $n-1$ digit of the fractional part is 1, and squaring this number makes the $n-2$ digit be 1.

So the algorithm for finding the upper and lower limits of $k$ is:

Looking at the digits after the decimal point, count the leading zeros (let's call the result of the count $z$). Then $\lfloor\frac{z+2}{2}\rfloor ≤ k ≤ z+1$.

Best Answer

There is no known solution for all numbers, but I found a quick solution for a significant amount of cases, which is useful for optimizing programs (try this, if it fails do something else, like squaring repeatedly).

Part 1: define edge cases

Let's construct a number whose fractional part has $z$ leading zeros followed by $n$ consecutive ones, and see to what power $2^k$ do we need to raise it to get it between 2 and 4. (This leads to a more complete solution, you'll see later.)

To produce a chain of $n$ ones in base 2, all we need is to subtract 1 from the $n$th power of 2. For example $2^4-1=15$ and the base 2 representation of 15 is $1111$.

The next thing to do is to divide it by $2^n$ to move the 1-digits to the right side of the decimal point. To add $z$ leading zeros, just divide it by $2^z$. And finally, +1 to make it a number between 1 and 2.

$$2 < \left(\frac{2^n-1}{2^{n+z}}+1\right)^{2^k} < 4$$

Part 2: isolate $k$

For brevity, let's call the part in the brackets $m$:

$$2 < m^{2^k} < 4$$

Take the logarithm (base 2) of the inequality:

$$1 < 2^k\log_2(m) < 2$$

Divide by the logarithm:

$$\frac{1}{\log_2(m)} < 2^k < \frac{2}{\log_2(m)}$$

Take the logarithm again:

$$- \log_2(\log_2(m)) < k < 1 - \log_2(\log_2(m))$$

Part 3: find the integer values of $k$

Since $k$ is a whole number, and there is only one valid value of $k$ that solves this inequality at any given point $(z,n)$, we can take the lower limit and round it up:

$$k = \lceil - \log_2(\log_2(m))\rceil = - \lfloor\log_2(\log_2(m))\rfloor = -\operatorname{msb}(\log_2(m))$$

Where $\operatorname{msb}(x)$ is the position of the most significant bit (digit) of $x$, which for $0<\log_2(m)<1$ is negative. (Note that $\lfloor\log_2(x)\rfloor = \operatorname{msb}(x)$ is correct only for this range.)

$1<m<2$, and in this range $\log_2(x) \approx x-1$, but remember that $\log_2(x) > x-1$ in this range, so it will throw the $\operatorname{msb}$ function result off in some cases (it will be too big by +1).

$$k \approx -\operatorname{msb}(m-1) = -\operatorname{msb}\left(\frac{2^n-1}{2^{n+z}}\right) = z+1$$

For very small numbers ($z>2$) the approximation is always wrong, this makes the result reliable in this range. Manually testing some cases of small $z$ and $n$ leads to a complete answer:

$$k = \begin{cases} 1 & & z = 0\\ z+1 & n = 1 & z > 0\\ z+1 & n = 2 & 1 ≤ z ≤ 2\\ z & n = 2 & z > 2\\ z & n > 2 & z > 0 \end{cases}$$

Part 4: fill in the gaps

Until now we focused on very specific numbers, now let's take care of all the numbers in between.

Let $C(z,n)$ be the set of all numbers whose base 2 representation starts with:

$$1.\underbrace{0000000000}_{z\text{ zeros}}\underbrace{111111111}_{n\text{ ones}}0$$

For a fixed value of $z$, if $k$ is the same for $n=x$ and $n=x+1$, then it is also the same for every number in between (in $C(z,x)$), because if two numbers reach the range between 2 and 4 when raised to the same power, then all the numbers between them will also reach that range with the same power. Otherwise there are 2 possible answers with a difference of 1.

To sum it up, every number $1<x<2$ is in a set of the form $C(z,n)$. By counting the consecutive zeros ($z$) after the decimal point and then the consecutive ones ($n$) we can either know the answer with certainty or at least know that it is one of two numbers, as detailed in this table:

enter image description here